Wool Talit Katan
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Tzitzit strings sets for tying yourself: each set has a total of 16 tzitzit strings, the amount needed for one tallit or talit katan. All are pure wool and kaful shmoneh, 8 strands.
Our Hand-Spun Tzitzit have the kashrut certification of either HaRav Shmuel Wosner shlit"a of B'nei Brak or the BaDa"Tz Eida HaCharedit of Jerusalem, depending on stock available at time of your order.
Our Tekhelet Tzitzit are made by the Ptil Tekhelet Association. They are kaful shmoneh, 8 strands, with dyeing and spinning done by hand. The authentic tekhelet dye comes from Murex trunculus snails. These sets of 16 strings in each package come in your choice of the three different opinions of the Rishonim:
- Ra'avad - 1 full string of tekhelet for every 3 white strings
- Rambam - One half of 1 full string of tekhelet for every 3 white strings
- Tosafot - 2 full strings of tekhelet for every 2 white strings
Add Ceramic Scissors to your order to even string length after tying is done