Home > Mezuzah > Mezuzah Cases > Michael Kupietzky

Michael Kupietzky at work in his studio in Efrat Michael Kupietzky was born in the United States in 1967 and moved to Israel with his family shortly before the 1973 Yom Kippur war. His resume includes both yeshiva education and technical and craft training at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem and Bar Ilan University, B'nai Brak. His innate manual dexterity, artistic talent and inspiration are G-d-given gifts with which he was born.

Michael creates Judaic art pieces that embody the warmth of his personal Jewish life experiences combined with the Bauhaus principle of "form follows function." His works of art explode with the vibrancy of youth yet maintain striking simplicity of design: cutting-edge technologically while traditionally Jewish.

Every Michael Kupietzky mezuzah cover is beautiful, functional original Jewish art, made in Israel. Each cover is individually signed by the artist.

Please note:

  • The height listed for all Kupietzky mezuzah cases is the size of the klaf, mezuzah parchment appropriate for that mezuzah case. The overall height of the mezuzah case itself is slightly more than the measurement listed.
  • Klaf is not included in your mezuzah case purchase. To order klaf please go to our mezuzah parchment page.

To learn more about the factors you should keep in mind as you choose your mezuzah case read our article The Three Purposes of Your Mezuzah Cover. To be sure you're putting your mezuzah up correctly read Where and How to Mount Your Mezuzah. You can print out for yourself the instruction sheets you'll find there in English, Hebrew and Russian.

If you have questions about mezuzah parchments or mezuzah cases, whether or not a particular doorway requires a mezuzah, or for more information about where and how to mount your mezuzot email us at mezuzot@HaSOFER.com.

  • Click to see enlargement of Michael Kupietzky Qumran Stone/Nickel Plate mezuzah cover
    Click image for
    Qumran Stone/Nickel Plate
    Item #: 3-MK-101
    Carved stone mezuzah cover with nickel plated mounting.
    Signed by the artist.

    Price: $505.00
    Height: 14.5 cm (5¾")
    Klaf size (not included):10 cm

    Qty:    Click to add this item to your shopping cart

  • Click to see enlargement of Michael Kupietzky Qumran Stone/Patina mezuzah cover
    Click image for
    Qumran Stone/Patina
    Item #: 3-MK-102
    Carved stone mezuzah cover with patina mounting.
    Signed by the artist.

    Price: $505.00
    Height: 14.5 cm (5¾")
    Klaf size (not included):10 cm

    Qty:    Click to add this item to your shopping cart

  • Click to see enlargement of Michael Kupietzky Baruch Atah B'voacha mezuzah cover
    Click image for
    Baruch Atah B'voacha
    Item #: 3-MK-115
    Stone & brass with patina finish mezuzah cover.
    Signed by the artist.

    Price: $660
    Height: 14 cm (5½")
    Klaf size (not included):12 cm

    Qty:    Click to add this item to your shopping cart

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